Thursday, August 23, 2012

[145] I Sell Avon!

After a very long and exhausting tax-free weekend, I was gifted with two days off in a row. On Tuesday morning, I left my house around 8:45am to meet up with a friend at Starbucks. I brought along my (mom's) laptop, my notebook, and a notepad to make a list of any ideas that come to mind. I spent a good three hours just chatting about anything and everything that came to mind.

At some point, a woman I had met a few weeks ago had called my phone. (I dropped my phone a couple weeks ago and the earpiece stopped working, so now I have to take all phone calls using speaker phone.) Her name is Janis and she's an Avon representative. When we had spoke the first time, she was looking for new recruits to join her team. At first, I wasn't really sure I wanted to join. I don't consider myself a very good sales person when it comes to approaching people with what it is I'm selling. But as I have been told numerous times, "Things, like Avon, pretty much sell themselves." So I went ahead and decided to join up and try my hand at selling Avon. We decided to meet at Atlanta Bread at 2pm.

Just before noon, my sister had sent me a text asking if I could bring her a coffee. I know her a little better than that. She doesn't drink coffee too often, but when she does, she prefers a caramel frapp. I'd much rather pay the same amount for a meal that will fill her up. So I shot her a text back asking if she wanted a large tea (for $1!) at McDonald's. She opted for a coke and a chicken nugget happy meal. I swung by her work and had a quick light lunch before she had to clock back in and make her deliveries. To kill some time, I went by Ross to see if they had put out any new clothes. While I didn't find anything different from Monday's trip, I picked up a few birthday gifts for my sister. ;) I'll share that next week! (She turns 23 on Monday!!)

I decided to show up to Atlanta Bread early and just sit in the parking lot until I saw Janis pull up. Once we got ourselves situated inside, she began telling me about a meeting that was taking place that night at her church, All Saints Episcopal. Small town!! I'm a member of St. John's Episcopal in Burkburnett, just north of Wichita Falls. Our two churches have shared reverend's when we've been in between rev's. Turns out, Janis knows a few members of my church. I'll say it again, small town!!

Anyway. We got to chatting about little things, here and there. She really got to learn a little more of my personality, as well as taking me through the Avon booklet to sign up and become a representative. Two hours later, I officially became a representative! Now it's time for a shameless link to my website:

In celebration, I treated my dad and baby sister to dinner at Grand Buffet. Usually, after over eating at a buffet, I find myself incredibly tired and in need of a nap. This just wasn't the case for me. I must have been on a high of happy feelings, excited about this new journey into selling Avon products. I immediately shot a text to my friend, Mackenzey, asking her if she wanted to meet up at the Iron Horse Pub. We met up around 8pm and ended up staying until 2am. We definitely didn't plan on being out that late, but with Wednesday being our day off we definitely owned the night. I didn't get home until nearly 5am! It was one of those really great nights that you can't quite explain. Sitting around, chatting about this and that. Laughing way too hard at everything. Having a quote of the night and still giggling about it the next day. (Giggling about it right now, hehehe!)

Life is so good right now. I have my family. A job I actually love. A new part-time job that I'm excited to learn more about. Big Red is still running and going strong after 9 years (she's 12 years old!). A roof over my head (which may be changing to a different roof soon!). A boyfriend who happens to be the cats pajamas (even though I prefer to say the bees knees)! The most incredible set of friends near and far.

I hope everyone has a happy Thursday. This little lady is off to sell some shoes!

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